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Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

The primary purpose of Phase I environmental site assessments (ESA) is to fulfill one of the mandates outlined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). This requirement aims to safeguard and mitigate the liability of potential landowners. The central objective of conducting a Phase I ESA is to ascertain the presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products within, on, or around a commercial property.

This process involves a comprehensive visual inspection of both the site under consideration and its neighboring properties. Additionally, we meticulously examine federal and state databases, historical records detailing past site utilization, relevant correspondence, and conduct interviews with individuals possessing knowledge about the site. The culmination of these efforts leads to the preparation of a detailed written report.

At Alpha-Hydro Environmental Inc., our track record comprises conducting more than 2,000 Phase I environmental site assessments. These assessments adhere to the standards established by the American Society for Testing and Materials, ensuring compliance with the regulations stipulated in the United States Environmental Protection Agency's All Appropriate Inquiries Final Rule (40 CFR 312).


On average, the completion of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment usually requires a period of 2 to 3 weeks. It is advisable to initiate the ordering of a Phase I report well ahead of the property's closing and sale. The expenses associated with this assessment are influenced by factors such as the property's dimensions, its geographical location, and whether it has undergone development. It's important to note that Phase I assessments exclusively focus on the property's environmental history and conditions, excluding evaluations of soil or groundwater through testing processes.

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